perjantai 10. toukokuuta 2013

Applying Art of War to SC2 - Lesson #1

Tactical maneuvering is to
"be beforehand with the enemy in seizing favorable position"

Favorable positions in SC2 would be:
  • arcs
  • on top of ramps
  • enemy in narrow passages
  • place where enemy has not laid siege ?

If you are about to engage a battle and you observe that you are not in the favorable position - do not engage but retreat ?

How to practice:
  1. Check all the engagements you had from replays
  2. Were all of your units firing? What to change to obtain?
  3. Were all of their units firing? What to change to avoid?
  4. Were you in siege?
  5. Were they in siege?
  6. What are the places the enemy would like to position their army to? How to prevent?
  7. What are the places you would like to position your army to? How to obtain?
  8. Is the enemy army position favorable from all directions?
  9. To be beforehand you would need to know how the enemy force is moving. 
  10. Did you know where the enemy force was and where it was going to? How could you have known that? How should you have utilized that?
  11. Did the enemy know you were coming and positioned themselves? How to not allow this!!? 

Game 1
When rushing with tanks to your base they do not have good positions. Try to run towards them? Poke, go back, poke go back?

When you know an attack is coming via ground take positions on top of ramps.

Do not allow them to pull you to their favored position.

Keep mommacore where they can not soot but where from you can.

The location of the enemy force was unknown. Had proxy. Should nearby locations always be scouted to see if proxy?

Game 2
Keep a nice arch to prevent their units from coming
while making your army stronger
and killing the 3rd with few units

Game 3
Keep an observer above their exit to see when the army moves out
Have spotters and keep your army in a nice welcoming arc with some ranged units high ground

Game 4
Make a nice concave when defending at ramp.
Put zealots first because they are melee. Do not let them bait zealots? So maybe on hold?
Then archons because they have shorted range.
Then stalkers because they have longest.

Do not allow any visibility for them. Destroy their observers from your base by circling around with your observer and stalkers.

Game 5
Ramped & mommacored <3

Could have had some additional visibility to see where their army is going. Pylon or observer as a spotter?

AAARRRGGH. I could have easily killed him if I did not back up. Backed up because was not aware of the army size. Try to always before and after engagements determine their army size.
--> Use observers or zealot to see how big is the army.

Spread that army!

Choose you fighting position based on your unit composition!
zealot & archons == melee/low range --> fight on open areas
voids, immortals, colossus, stalkers == ranged units --> fight on chokes


when sniping a base and the enemy attack via ramp - that is usually a nice spot to def.

Defend so that you can use your momma or choke their units. Unless you have a  huge load of melee.

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